Thursday, March 26, 2009

Easter Eggs for Baragwanath Hospital

Today was the day that our school handed over all the Easter Eggs that we've been collecting over the past few weeks to the Chris Hani Baraganath Hospital. Our target was 3000 eggs, one for each bed, but we got even more... we got 3600 eggs! Congratulations to all involved.

And this is what 3600 eggs looks like all piled together:

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Our Easter Service in Photos

What an AWESOME and AMAZING God we serve. To hear angelic voices of our children singing praises to God just about brought tears to my eyes. I'm sure God and all the heavenly hosts were rejoicing tonight too. Here's just a few snapshots from the service:

Grade 0's praising God for giving us Jesus

A wonderful rendition of scription by the Grade 3's

Awesome dancing praising God

Singing along with the young team from Northcliff Union as well as hearing the children sing.
(Mr Norel was giving a few advice tips he wasn't singing!)

The lovely eats provided by the PTA... thanks soooooooo much

The children also got easter eggs and juice. Thanks to all involved for making it such a beautiful evening, and thank you too to all the parents who attended and filled the church... was really lovely to see everyone there.


The Annual General Meeting will take place on Monday 20 April in the school hall at 19:00. Should you wish to address a certain topic, please submit written notification to the School Office by Wednesday 15 April 2009.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Kitchen upgrade

Have you seen the smart new kitchen.... wow the PTA really has gone all out and given the teachers and staff a fantastic kitchen now. It's all done and fully functional.

Did you notice all the little touches? Tea, coffee, sugar pots, green dishtowels, the microwave, a place for the photocopier plus a work surface to sort stuff out on, baskets to put goodies into, cupboards full of glasses and mugs, little green plants here and there. Such nice springy feeling.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Important things to take note of

School House T Shirts are now available from the Uniform Shop at a cost of R50 each. Learners require these shirts for all inter-house sporting events in the future.

The PTA, together with Mrs Bolitho, will be collecting Easter Eggs that we will distribute to the children at Baragwanath Hospital. If you would like to be part of this Drive please bring your donations to the office and place them in the box provided.


The Gala will be held on 19 March 2009 at Northcliff High School – 08:00 - 12:30 – Spectators most welcome. Learners may go home after the gala. Aftercare will be provided for at 12:30. Grassroots – Grade 3 learners will stay at school and will also finish at 12:30 except for the swimmers.

The Easter Celebration Service will be held at Northcliff Union Church on Thursday 19 March at 18:30. This is a time for thanking God for His son, using the arts. It is compulsory for the Pre-School learners to attend the service. All are welcome. Hot cross buns and tea will be served.

On Wednesday 25th March we will be hosting a guest speaker to address the parents. This will take place in the hall, following which the reports will be handed out in the various classrooms. It would be appreciated if all parents would attend this meeting.

Grassroots – Grade 2 18:00 – 19:00
Grade 3 – Grade 7 19:00 - 20:00


A Holiday Care programme will be run during the school holidays from Monday 30 March to Thursday 9 April. The cost is as follows:
1st child
R90,00 full day (07:30 – 13:30 or later)
R55,00 half day (07:30 – 13:30 or before)
2nd child
R60,00 full day (7:30 – 13:30 or after)
R35,00 half day (7:30 – 13:30 or before)
To be paid in cash by 2 April 2009.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Grandparents Tea - Photos

Friday 6th of March was the Grandparent's Tea for the Grassroots and Grade 0 children. From these photos it sure looks like they had lots of fun:

Getting ready to go to the hall

All the Grandparents waiting in anticipation with cameras ready to take photos

The littlees doing their song

More concert

Back on the playground doing more songs and dancing

Some of the children with their grandparents

Thanks to Megan van Wyk for these lovely photos (.... any errors in labelling are strictly mine....)

Picnic Under the Stars - photos

Wow the Picnic Under the Stars was a HUGE success.... thanks soooooooo much to the PTA and their team of volunteers for organising such a great social. If you missed it, make sure that you don't miss out next year! Here follows some snaps of all the fun (before it got toooooooo dark!):

Our school cares for others. To show our support of Cancer Awareness and CHOC the children could have their hair sprayed for a donation.... lots of fun was had.

See if you can spot yourself, or your teacher, amongst the many who were at the picnic....

There was lots on sale too.... glow sticks, food, tea, coffee & hot chocolate. As a fun "get to know eachother" game, each adult was given a label with half of a duet on it and they had to go find their mate.... once found, you could fill in a form and stand a chance to win R250 each.... well done to the winning couple (sorry I didn't get that info!).

The Karoake was a huge hit with the children who didn't stop singing from the time it was all set up until late into the night.
And for added sportsmanship there was also tug-of-war... between the dads of the various grades and their children.... not sure which team came off tops, but there was definately lots of laughter from all involved.

Once again, thank you to all involved for making this evening so special. Remember, if you have any photos that you would like to publish, simply drop them into an email.

Anyone for tennis???

On Friday 27th February the children had a wonderful visit during a delayed assembly.... Mr John-Laffnie de Jager, known as JL, came and spoke to the school. This was all to encourage a love of tennis amongst the children.

You can read more about this wonderful man and he's achievements on his webpage....

And then on Friday 6th March some of the senior tennis team players got to go watch South Africa take on Macedonia in a Davies Cup match at Emperors Palace. Here's a pic of some of the excited children on their return to school.
Well done to South Africa who won all their matches against Macedonia. You can find out more about the Davis Cup on this website ...

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Scenes from an early morning at school

The new playground equipment is officially open for use. And it is safe to say "The kids love it!" Thanks to all involved for their hard work in making this a reality.

At assembly this morning the children were treated to a delightful surprise.... a puppet show. Actually it was RUFUS and TESSA coming to remind the children about the Swim-A-Thon forms (money to be in by 13th March) and the Picnic Under the Stars on Friday 6th March.

Just a glimpse into your child's every day life at school.

Grandparents Tea

All Grade O's and Grassroots..... Please remember it is Grandparents Tea on Friday 6th March.... This is an event that all Grannies and Grandpas love to attend.... and the littlies love to show off... so support the teachers in all their hard work and come join the fun.

Bakers Mini Cricket

On Thursday, the 19th of February our Mini Bakers Cricket teams played at Randburg. Here are some photos showing a snippet of the fun that was had.

Well done to the team who played so well together.
Cricket practice: 08:30 – 10:00 every Saturday morning. Where possible, protective gear should be brought along to practices.