Thursday, October 28, 2010

Grade 4 Tour

The Grade 4s went on tour from the 13th to 15th October 2010... and by the looks of the photos they had lots of fun!!!  Thank you to Mrs Brokensha for these great pics.

Lots of team work.... tug of war, balancing, polo

Yes Mommy we did eat and drink!!!

Learning how to paddle

But for some the tadpoles were much more interesting

The swing over the river was a definite highlight

and just to prove it.... even the teachers went!!!

Obstacle courses can be lots of fun 

And also very dirty!

Bedtime is not bedtime without a friend or two

Don't forget the archery practice too.... mind you don't hit someone

Thank you to our teachers and the camp leaders and staff 

There were no major mishaps (that we know of!) and it was a successful tour.

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