Saturday, March 16, 2019

TENNIS: Northwest Christian School Vs Fontainebleau Primary School

On the 24th of February the under-13 boys  had a tennis match against Fontainebleau Primary. The scores were Northwest 60 - Fontainebleau 21.
At Northwest we emphasise enjoyment of our sports. We are very proud of our boys .  

The Team

Seth Phillips, Matthew Eksteen (below left), Lliam Lourens (below right), James Logan, James Hattingh, Carrick Knowling
By Lana-Mae Macleod


Hooked-on-books is a traveling book show that comes to different schools every year with new books.  Some of the books are brand new but some are quite old but are still good and people have started to read them again.  Hooked-on-books is funny and enjoyable for all.

It is also very interactive - they select children from the audience to help with the play,
but people who do not want to be chosen go down as low as they can so the actors
do not choose them. At the end of every show you can see how the book ends by
reading it as Hooked-On-Books only shows you a bit of what is in the book to get you
interested in the book.  They also sell the books or you can order them. Everyone looks
forward to Hooked-On-Books every year and when it does come, everyone in loves it.

By Emma Fenn

Friday, August 24, 2018

The Ultimate Outdoor Adventure

Saturday 4 August dawned bright and warm. Hundreds of excited people headed to Northwest Christian School for The Ultimate Outdoor Adventure. Bright inflatables filled the fields and equally brightly clad children ran around, ready for a day of running wild without reprimand.

After much fun, hilarity and great energy, the prizes were awarded for fastest feet in each grade, as well as the spirit trophy which was awarded to the Grade 5s. The food stalls, each run by a different grade, were fantastic too. The PTA managed to raise R120 000 which they are using to upgrade the Mrs Tschohl's classroom. Thank you to everyone who was involved!

Monday, February 9, 2015

The Interhouse Gala

Friday 30 January was an exiting day filled with cheering and swimming, sunshine and water. The children were very well behaved and supported their teams enthusiastically.

The competition was VERY close with house positions being swapped right until the end. Mr Norel kept everyone very excited with his constant updates. Grade 2 up to Grade 7 swimmers dived and swam and smiled and grimaced their way to the finish until they were exhausted. Good sportsmanship and fantastic support were the order of the day. Samson  was awarded the Spirit Cup and David won the day with Caleb in second place.

Some enthusiastic teachers and parents competed as well. A relay was swum between teachers and parents which the teachers won! Congratulations to everyone involved and thank you to the teachers, especially Mr McNab, for helping everything run smoothly. 

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Doodle4Google Awards Ceremony

As a school with one of the highest entries into the Doodle4Google competion, 10 NWCS learners were invited to attend the Award Ceremony on 29 November at Arts on Main. One of the judges was  Sven Ruygrok, who plays the part of Rambo in the movie Spud. Another was Yvonne Chaka Chaka who gave us an impromptu performance.
There was so much to do...

and eat...

We all had a great time, eating from the donut wall, drawing, painting, building, watching the 3-d printer and making music with fruit and sweets. We're hoping there will be another competition this year!

Monday, October 27, 2014

PTA Ladies' High Tea a Great Success

A little over eighty ladies gathered for a beautiful morning of high tea, gifts, entertainment and inspiration to raise funds for breast cancer research. Each table was beautifully decorated and catered for by a special lady.

A stunning dress made from printed pages by Charis McKeever graced the entrance together with a collection of bras to be donated to charity.


The speakers were Alison Dupen, a breast cancer survivor, who cheerfully faced a barrage of personal and practical questions, and Kona Brown, winner of Mrs United Nations International in 2012, who encouraged us as women to enjoy deeper relationships with each other in order to become true friends, the kind that God intended us to be, and to be less busy being busy.

Kona Brown, Katherine Bird, Nadine van Staden and Debbie McGowan 
Alison Dupen

Tuesday, October 21, 2014