Friday, July 24, 2009

More Concert Photos

A big thank you to Kirsten Mann for forwarding on some concert photos for the blog...

Here are some of the Grade 2 children waiting to go on...

And the Grade 0's all getting ready and lining up... off to make their debut on the stage.

Again a big thank you and well done to all the children and teachers for the great concert performances... we thoroughly enjoyed it.



Inter-house athletics will take place on Saturday 1 August between 08:00 and 12:00. It has been decided to hold the sports day on a Saturday so that more parents may attend.

It is essential for all learners to attend the Inter-house athletics. Learners are to report to their class teacher and be marked off on the register, this will earn you a point towards your house.

Learners that are not in the team, will still participate in the field events and earn points for their house. House T shirts with house name printed on them are available from the Uniform Shop.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Holiday Club

Our school has changed into G-Force boot camp for this week... Do you even recognize the inside of the hall????

Some of the morning registration madness:

But the general feedback is.... this is fun! The children are having a good time, learning and doing lots... plus getting "homework".... and we all thought school was out! Each day they have a memory verse to learn and a task of some sort to do... for Tuesday they had to have a crazy hat and on Wednesday it was come dressed with your clothes inside out!