Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Juniors Sports Day

On the 19th of August the Junior School (Grades 1, 2 & 3) went over to Kings School Robin Hills for a day of fun athletics... otherwise known as Mini Olympics.

The feedback was very positive ... all the children seemed to enjoy the day and loved participating in the different events.

Thanks to Gloria Matshusa for providing the photos.

Grade O Spring Hats

Spring sprung with a bang.... it was a beautiful warm sunny day and all the Grade 0s were decked out in their best spring hats...

What gorgeous creations... well done to all the children (and parents) for the effort.

Casual Day Photos

Did you wear your sticker on Friday 3 September?  Well the children of our school certainly did.

Thanks to all who dressed in civvies and bought their tickets.  We have been able to send Casa da Sol School an amount of R3 500.

Helping Out

At the beginning of term our school was hit by an opportunistic shopper who helped themselves to a few computers.  Unfortunately Mrs Renwick's was not insured.  As a class, and also with assistance from the PTA, we raised some money to buy Mrs Renwick a new laptop.

On Monday morning 6 September, Debbie Hanekom, the class mom, handed over the new laptop to Mrs Renwick. This was all done in secret so the surprise and emotion were very evident!

In the above photo are : Mr Norel, Mrs Renwick, Debbie Hanekom (class Mom), grade 3R Moms & Prayer Team Moms

A little love and care go a long way.  Thank you to all for your kindness and generosity.

Mandela Day 2010 - Report Back

I'm sure there were lots of families that tried to do something in honour of Mandela Day earlier this year....

Here is what one family did.... Mom & Dad Beyer (Frances & Aldrin) took part in a spin-a-thon at Constantia Kloof Virgin Active for a child Jed with cancer.  Well done!

So don't forget to keep sending your photos in so that we can all see what you did to help others.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

NWCS's Got Talent

The Talent show will take place on Thursday 9th September between 18:30 – 20:30 at Northcliff Union Church.

Children must sit with their parents if not participating in the show.

There will be hotdogs for sale at a cost of R7 each.  

All parents are welcome. Tea will be served.

NOTE: the Grade 2s to 7s will be watching the rehearsal on Wednesday the 8th September... remember to fill in the reply slip that was sent home earlier this week.

Grade O Spring Day

While it is Casual Day tomorrow, the Grade 0's will be celebrating SPRING.... they will be making or decorating a spring hat to wear to school.... photos to follow.

Are you ready for Friday 3 September?

Casual Day 2010 is on Friday 3 September! So, laugh a little, give a little! Wear your frown upside down, give everyone a reason to smile and support persons with disabilities!  Get your sticker from Mrs Bowen for just R10, and wear civvies to school.  All proceeds will be given to Casa da Sol School for disabled children.

Remember: No Sticker = No Civvies!!!

Need some ideas for dinner?

I know that as a Mom and cook I'm always looking for some quick and easy plus exciting idea of what to make for breakfast, lunch, supper or even to bake.

I'm sure we all have tons of favourite recipes.... well why don't you send write/type them out and hand them in at the office.... we are compiling a recipe book for our school.... You can even pop it in an email... see your newsletter for details.   Please remember to include your child's name and class.

Let's get cooking together!

Spring Walk

Put on your walking shoes. and get exercising.... why?  The Proudly South African Spring Walk is coming up on the 11th of September.

Tickets will be on sale before and after school outside the secretary’s office at R20 per person on Tuesdays and Thursdays

Don’t forget to keep inviting your family and friends to the Proudly South African Spring Walk.                  


The PTA appeal to all parents to please forward an invitation to all your family members, neighbours, colleagues and friends to join us for our fun-filled 4km walk!


NWCS will be doing a fundraiser this term to raise money for Harvest Aid.  This organization supports child-led and granny-led households.  Learners were each given two information leaflets with more information on this Christian Organization as well as a plastic bottle.

Learners are encouraged to fill their bottles with as many coins as they can in the next three weeks and hand it back to their teachers by Wednesday 15th September.

For more information you may contact Mrs Brokensha.

The Purr Factory

We had a special visit from The Purr Factory at school yesterday...

and now the kids are trying very hard to collect the cards...

All young animals must acquire certain skills to survive. For kittens, being cute is certainly the most important skill and there is only one school for kittens – Suzie Swishtail’s Academy for Kittens.  There is near catastrophe when the purrs intended for their graduation are stolen from The Purr Factory, but Detective Norris Norton Nackered and his sidekick Humphrey Hound Dog saves the day.

The Purr Factory is a new family-friendly fun-filled rock musical, performed by the UJ Song and Dance Company, directed by Alby Michaels from 8 – 25 September 2010 (Wednesdays to Saturdays at various times). Marga Sander is the music director and Owen Lonzar is the choreographer.

Ticket cost R60 (R30 for Pensioners, students and groups of 10 or more) at Computicket .  You can also find The Purr Factory on Facebook.

Grade 0 Mini Olympics

Our Grade 0s were joined by Sunbeam Nursery School and Northcliff Pre-Primary for the morning of 31 August 2010.

And of course there were lots of Mommys and Daddys to cheer them on.

The kids ran flat races, novelty races like skipping through hula-hoops and running with a beanbag on a tennis racquet, and then once around the field in a long distance race (encouraged along by the Grade 7s who ran with them).

Afterwards, every child got a 'medal' - a chocolate coin on a ribbon.

Well done to all the teachers and each little one... it was a great day.