Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Civvies day was a huge hit with the children last week Friday.... from the very littlies to the Grade 7s and even the teachers.  Lots of fun was had by all.

Thanks too to the PTA moms who organised the sale. The children all managed to get something for their loved one(s). The variety of goods for sale was outstanding and it was a great two days of shopping.

Till next time....

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Each year our Grade 6’s raise funds for the Grade 7 Farewell. On Thursday and Friday, 10 and 11 February will be having a sale to celebrate the traditional day of Valentine…we would love to extend this day of love to our friends, family and people we care about and focus on the Agape or Agapanthus love of caring for each other …

John 13:34 “So now I am giving you a new commandment: love one other. As I have loved you, so you must love one other.”

There will also be a civvies day on Friday 11 Feb (R5 per child) the money raised from this will be given to a less fortunate school as our gesture of love and care.

……………So Please support us and share in the beautiful day of Love…………


Thank you to all the new parents who attended the New Parents Tea on Saturday 29 January 2011. We had a fabulous morning with some yummy eats (thanks Megan Klee!)

If you were unable to attend the tea and feel you would like to still be involved in some small way please join us at our next PTA meeting (details below) or you can leave your name and number at the front office in the PTA box.

Also just a reminder that it is the Class Parents Tea this Saturday.  Pat Bona will further explain the ins and outs of being a class parent and it will also be a great opportunity to get to know the other class parents too.

Date :  Saturday 5 February
Time; 9:30 am to 12pm
Venue: 224 Matagorda Ave, Berario


Grade 0 Picnic

The opening event for the Grade 0s is their annual picnic on Friday 28 January 2011.  Luckily this year it was a lovely clear evening with no rain in sight.

Sure looks like everyone, especially the children, had lots and lots of fun.