Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Interhouse Athletics Results

The athletics on Saturday was a huge success.... herewith the final results:

Samson 1st: 527 points
Caleb 2nd: 476 points
David 3rd: 426 points

Well done to all the children for making the day fun-filled.

You can see lots and lots of photos from the day by following this link.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Outreach team visits Maffy

The Outreach team has been busy all year long.... they have made parcels for old age homes, cleaned babies toys, played with little kids, made posters for nursery schools and also visited the MAF pilots at Lanseria Airport.  This was a truly fun and informative day.  The children learnt about the work of Mission Aviation Fellowship as well as exploring the actual plane.

To find out more about the work of Mission Aviation Fellowship, you can visit their website or the website for Flying for Life.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

School Building Alterations

Good news! We are almost ready to start with the next phase of our new building and offices. The demolition of the old office block is due to start any day now.

The main entrance in Duke of York Drive will be closed until further notice. Please use the gate at the Grade R entrance (one way street) from now on and we urge all parents to drive and drop their children to alleviate congestion.

The gate at the top field will also be open before and after school. (7.15am to 8.00am and 1.00pm-1.45pm)

The office staff have relocated to the foyer outside Mr Norel's office, with the accounts department in the prefab next to the music room.  Mrs Walker's Grade 2 class is now in the staff room.

Please remember to use your access card to open the gate.