Sunday, April 28, 2013

Grade 5s reading to our Grade Rs

What better way to instill a love of reading than getting one grade to read to another... just look at the fun and enthusiasm in these photos.

Happy Birthday Mr Norel

There are so many ways in which to celebrate a birthday, but none as special as a surprise birthday party... and when it involves the whole school surprising Mr Norel... what a great day!  Thanks to everyone who baked cupcakes and helped make the day so special.

Friday, April 26, 2013

More Grade 6 pics

On Thursday the kids got to experience a zip line...
Getting instructions

All equipped for fun

Weeee.... there he goes

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Day 2 of Grade 6 camp

What the kids got up to today...

Shooting and archery

Build a shelter

Make a three course meal for the teachers

Take note... the rice turned blue as a result of being cooked with red cabbage.

Sure hope they are having as much fun as these photos show.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Grade 6 camp photos

Here are some photos from day 1 and 2 of the grade 6 camp... thanks to Mrs Tschohl for sending them through

Monday, April 8, 2013

Easter Service photos

Our Easter Service was a truly uplifting evening.  All the pupils sang beautifully and the different performances went off without any glitches.  Well done to everyone on all your hard work to make this evening such a success.

Grade Rs

Grade 1s telling us about M&Ms

Junior choir - singing "Funny face"

Band - leading us in worship

Senior drama

Grade 7 - reciting the 100 names of Jesus

Thank you to Mrs Eyre for telling us all about her basket of eggs and revealing an awesome message about the cross and the grave. Mr Norel also gave us an Easter message.

A special thank you to the PTA for catering for the evening and suppling easter eggs for every child.