Monday, October 27, 2014

PTA Ladies' High Tea a Great Success

A little over eighty ladies gathered for a beautiful morning of high tea, gifts, entertainment and inspiration to raise funds for breast cancer research. Each table was beautifully decorated and catered for by a special lady.

A stunning dress made from printed pages by Charis McKeever graced the entrance together with a collection of bras to be donated to charity.


The speakers were Alison Dupen, a breast cancer survivor, who cheerfully faced a barrage of personal and practical questions, and Kona Brown, winner of Mrs United Nations International in 2012, who encouraged us as women to enjoy deeper relationships with each other in order to become true friends, the kind that God intended us to be, and to be less busy being busy.

Kona Brown, Katherine Bird, Nadine van Staden and Debbie McGowan 
Alison Dupen

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Friday, September 5, 2014

Doodle 4 Google

The Doodle 4 Google competition is ON!!! 

Every child in the school is drawing their own Doodle under the theme "South Africa of my Dreams". I am so enjoying seeing the results of their efforts as they are returned signed with explanations of the doodles and dreams for our beautiful country.

One of the challenges I gave some of the children was to design a Google Doodle (no theme) on MS Paint. Here are a few of the results from the grade 3s.

Casual Day a Great Success

Today we all had a lot of fun dressing up with 'bling' to enjoy Casual Day. The proceeds of well over R4000 will be going to Logwood Village to support the people there.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Parenting in the Digital Age

Tips from Author Nikki Bush on parenting in the digital age:

  • Show an active interest in their children’s technology journey
  • Overcome their own technophobia
  • Interact with technology and social networks themselves
  • Keep perspective about the positive potential of technology as well as the downsides
  • Invest in their relationships with their children – this takes time and energy
  • Stay awake, alert and conscious, without hysterically hovering
Keep an eye open for Nikki's new book Tech-Savvy Parenting, being launched on Monday 11 August.

Grade 5's entertain the Grade R's

Every year the Grade 5's are given the opportunity to dress up and read to the Grade R's. The Grade 5's love the challenge and the Grade R's love to see the characters of the books come to life. What Grade R child would pass up the opportunity to have a story read to them?

Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Do you know what your children and their friends are up to when they are quietly occupied on electronic technology? Read the post Trending Tweens to get an idea.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Grade R - Brazil

Grade 1 - France

Grade 2 - Japan

Grade 3- India

Grade 4- England

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Grandparents' Day in Grade R!

There was great excitement in Grade R at NWCS as the grandparents arrived and took their places in the hall to enjoy the programme prepared for them by the Grade R children and teachers. After the performance, the grandparents were invited back to the classrooms to sit with the children while they decorated framed photos of themselves for their grandparents. A sumptuous tea was provided by the PTA and was enjoyed by all.

Thursday, June 5, 2014


On Ascension Day we met on the field at the beginning of school to remember the day Jesus returned to heaven to sit at the right hand of God. As a representation of this, 7 purple helium balloons were released and we watched them as they rose up to the clouds.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Easter Service - 15 April 2014

It's time again for our annual Easter Service.

Come and join us at
Northcliff Union Church
Tuesday 15 April 2014
from 17:00.  

There will be boerewors rolls, hotdogs and colddrinks on sale from 17:00 to 18:30.

The service will start at 18:30

This service is compulsory for all the children as most of them will be taking part in some way.  Please let your teacher know beforehand if they will not be able to make it. Children must be in full school uniform.