Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Dear Parents,

Due to the huge increase of Swine Flu cases in the school, the management team have decided to close the school from Thursday 20th August until Tuesday 25th August 2009, to minimise the further spread of this flu strain. Five days is the incubation period of Swine Flu.

The aftercare will also need to be closed. The council meeting and the inter-school athletics will continue as normal.

Last week we had 97 absentees, and this week Monday and Tuesday alone we have had 62 children away from school. We have seventeen children and two teachers that have been confirmed cases of Swine Flu. This increase in numbers has taken place over seven school days.

Could you please help in ensuring that your children build up their immune system by going to bed on time, eating healthy foods and developing good hygienic habits.

We are well aware that this will be very inconvenient for some of you but we have needed to make this decision for the benefit of all families.

Yours Sincerely,



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