Friday, September 18, 2009

Reaching into Liberia

In the beginning of October Mr and Mrs Norel, Mrs van Wyk and Miss Anastassopoulos will embark on a trip to Liberia, West Africa where they will assist a war torn country to rebuild schools and train teachers.

The PTA is very excited about this venture and wanted to share some of the vision and plans with all the parents.

Plans for the schools in Liberia in the future:
  • Sustainable educational material – biblically integrated lessons and reading.
  • Basic teaching practices - flash card approach
  • Work with 3 schools who will pass on information to 3 more schools. (If this is repeated 4 times - more than 100 schools will be reached.)
  • The ultimate goal: teacher’s association in Liberia to help each other and link with international organisations.
How is NWCS involved?
  • Creating an awareness of world missions - in the children and in the local community
  • Releasing 4 staff members from NWCS to go to Liberia for one week in October 2009
  • Creating a platform for community involvement

As parents how can you be involved?
  • Prayer – for the safety and protection of Mr Norel and the staff as well as Wisdom and Strength for all that God has in store for them
  • The PTA are making up packs of pencils and crayons to send up with the teachers. If you have some unused crayons and pencils at home please send them to school in a clear “glad” bag. Please leave them at the school office.
  • If you would like to assist financially we would ask you to speak directly with Jacky Stonley
  • The learners have been challenged to take part of their pocket money and put it towards the purchasing of the “Challenge” newspaper.
If you would like to know more, there is a board up by the school noticeboard with ALL the details. Please pop in sometime and have a look.

Our Prayers are with all the teachers as they head up to West Africa. May God’s peace and Wisdom be with you.

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