Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Ally Stark

It's hard to say goodbye and especially to such a dear sweet child.

Alexandra Stark, known to us all as Ally.  These are just a few of the pics I've taken of her over the last two years that I've gotten to know her.

Grade 1S Easter Hat Parade

At some of the birthday parties we went to

And of course at the school concert this year.

Ally's funeral will be held at 2pm on Thursday 29 October at Liberty Church, Cnr West & Hill Street in Ferndale.

Our heartfelt condolences, thoughts and prayers got to her whole family.  This is not an easy time and thank you for allowing me to say goodbye in this way.

If you would also like to leave your message for the family, please just click on "comments" and write it on this post.  We will forward them on to the family.


Unknown said...

Our sadness at Ally's leaving us, is profound. Our deepest, heartfelt condolences to Ally's family. Strength to you at this difficult time. Darren, Bev, Sinead, Deana.

c@th said...

I don't know you personally, but I found out about this via Darren Smith.

My heart and thoughts to the family at this time.

Ally, you were a beautiful girl and I know you are now a beautiful angel.

Many blessings, and thoughts to you at this time.

Cath Jenkin

Coralee de Almeida said...

Dear Jackie & Hubby
I went to buy a cake for Ally's funeral today and I prayed to God to help me choose (tears running down my cheeks)...he led to the Angel Cake!! Your Little Girl is an Angel, she would so want you to be happy in this life (try to remember that one day). Our prayers, love and sincere sadness is with you today. We just pray that you get through this you have an angel right next to you. All our love Coralee, Rui, Kaylin and Kian

Anonymous said...

Ally acted the part of Granny in the school play so well.
Condolances and prayers to her family during this very difficult time.
Love & Hugs from the McPherson family

Anonymous said...

Shaun, Jackie, Michael and Matt - we are so heart broken for your loss. Words escape us - but our Heavenly Father's love cannot! Be still and know that He is God. Our love and prayers are with you all. Love Anton, Debbie, Cayley and Amy

Anonymous said...

It was such an honour teaching Ally for her first year of big school and to watch her grow. She will be missed by all who knew her and my prayers are with SHaun, Jacky, Matt and Mike.
MAry Swanepoel