Friday, February 5, 2010

The South African Safari Adventure 22 to 26 February

This will basically run along the same lines as our “Swimathon” last year. Children will be given sponsorship forms and fact sheets relating to South Africa. In order to do the necessary research, answers will be posted on the school blog, on the school notice board and in the library. 

The "Afrithon" will be on Friday 26 February, during school hours and depending on the number of correct answers they will collect the appropriate sponsorship money. The emphasis is on fun and will not be a learning test as such. Although the actual “Afrithon” will be on the Friday, the PTA will be building up to the event during the course of the week from Monday 22 February, to create a real "vibe” in the school to motivate families to get as many sponsors as possible. There will be FANTASTIC prizes for the children who raise the most money, for children who get 100% and for the class that raises the most money.

The whole event will end off on the Friday night with the first social event of the year, our "Picnic under the Stars". Where we encourage families to bring their blankets and baskets and join us for a picnic. This event is always loads of fun!

More details to follow....  

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