Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Afrithon feedback

Our South African "Afrithon" week was a great success.  A big thank you too all the PTA for their hard work in making this a fun event.

On Monday the 22nd  and Wednesday the 24th we were visited by BYRON from De Wildt Cheetah and Wildlife Trust.  The pupils got to learn all about Cheetahs and even had the opportunity to touch him.

Friday the 26th was South African civvies day.... this was a huge hit with all the children who made lots of effort to dress appropriately.

Our only disappointment of the week was having to cancel (postpone?) the Picnic Under the Stars due to an evening rain storm.... we will keep you posted on this event.

The children all did well on their Afrithon test and the results should be handed out this week... then it's the task of getting in all the sponsor money.

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