Thursday, January 27, 2011


This Saturday is the New Parents Tea – this is open to all new mom’s and dad’s to NWCS.

Come and join us for a light brekkie and some tea and coffee and find out what our wonderful school is all about.

29 Jan 2011
08h30 for 9h00 until 10am

There will be some games and fun on the field for all the kids run by the Saturday Sports team.


Our swimming team participated in the Northcliff High School gala on Monday 24th January and the results were as follows:

232 Northcliff Primary
225 Blairgowrie Primary
198 NWCS
176 Cliffview Primary
135 Panorama Primary
114 Risidale Primary
102 Robin Hills Primary

NWCS came third of 7 schools. Well done!

Please remember to support all the galas coming up.... our team needs you.


The day eventually arrived without rain that we could have our school Inter-house gala....Friday, 21st January.  There was hords of team spirit and lots and lots of fun was had as is evident in the photos taken.

The Swimmers

Lining up for the race




On your marks....

Get set..... GO!!!


Even the new teachers are getting in the spirit of the day

Go team!!

The Grade 7s

The results are as follows:
Samson 377
Caleb 312
David 311

Well done to all our swimmers!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Class Parents

The PTA has, over the last few years, aimed to encourage a real sense of community among the parents of our wonderful school. This has been achieved by, among others, the efforts of our wonderful class parents. The role of the class parent has now become invaluable to the functioning of the PTA.

The primary role of the class parent is as follows:
  • To be a part of the PTA and to act as liaison between the PTA and the other parents in their class. For example, arranging parents to help at fun days etc. To this end it would be helpful if class parents were able to attend as many PTA meetings as possible, although not essential.
  • To establish a relationship with their class teacher and be able to either themselves lend a hand, when needed, or ask other parents to help with for example making small improvements in the classroom.
  • To establish a relationship with the other parents in the class by sending out reminders of events, or a card on the birth of a child or the loss of a loved one.
  • To arrange a birthday party/gift for their class teacher

Many of the class parents of previous years have been quick to point out that the small effort it has required has been far out weighed by the rewards reaped both for themselves and for their children.

If you are interested in becoming a class parent or would like further information please feel free to contact Pat Bona (PTA class parent coordinator) either via email at, or on her cell 083 454 5996.

When replying please state the grade and class you would be representing.

The cut off date is 28 January and there will be a tea for all the class parents on 5 February.


Conquesta is written every year in September by our Grade 4 – 7 learners. These tests are written throughout South Africa, Namibia and Botswana.

The Top 20 Results are as follows:

Grade 4
1 Bible Study ***** WELL DONE *****
16 Maths
17 English Lang 1
8 Social Sciences
8 Natural Science
14 Afrikaans Taal 2

Grade 5
4 Bible Study
19 English Lang 1
18 Social Sciences
18 Natural Sciences

Grade 6
6 Bible Study
16 Social Sciences

Grade 7
14 Bible Study

Well done to all our learners who wrote Conquesta 2010!!

Important things to note:

Parents are reminded to use the designated parking bays when dropping and fetching children and not to block the flow of traffic by stopping in the road. Please also exercise extreme caution when reversing out. Please also take note of the Scholar Patrol lines as that is where all children should cross the road.

As we do not have an intercom system, it is difficult to get late messages to the children before they go home in the afternoon. Could parents please ensure that, before leaving your child at school, they know where and who will be collecting them after school. Please also ensure that your child has a phone card. These are available from the office for R25.

It is requested that parents do not wait outside their children’s classroom at home time as this disturbs the classes. Please meet your child at a pre-arranged place on the school grounds. The gates will only be opened at 12:50.

All grade 1 – 3 learners are to go to waiting class if they are not fetched at 13:00. Waiting class runs from 13:00 to 13:30. No children will be allowed to wait at the gate during this time.

Learners are requested not to share or lend out uniform items especially costumes. All children are to have their own PE clothes, costumes, swimming caps, towels and caps/hats.

Please ensure that all your child’s school clothing is marked. Lost property can be found in the two bins behind the Junior bathrooms or in the aftercare room. 

NOTE: there are LOTS of items that are marked in the lost property bins.... please go check if your child's stuff is there.

All learners will be allowed to wear the correct PE uniform to school instead of their school uniform ONLY on the day they have PE. This is to reduce the time spent on getting dressed and to minimize the opportunity for clothing to go missing.

The office unfortunately does not keep change. All monies sent to school must be sent in a sealed envelope, clearly marked with your child’s name, class, what it is for and the amount.

Parents are requested to please keep teachers and office staff informed about your child’s allergies or relevant medication that may be need. Children with severe allergies should keep medication in class or in their bags, eg epipens and asthma pumps. Alternatively your child’s medication can be kept in the office. It should be clearly marked with your child’s name and instructions on dosage. This could make a huge difference when a problem arises.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Meet the new teachers

We are very excited to welcome our new teachers to our school:

Ms Erica Le Grange - Grade 4

Ms Maryke Bam - Grade 5

Mrs Heike Seeger - Grade 6

Mrs Felicity Bauermeister - Library
Mrs Tracy Tschohl - Computers

Mr Gary Blackstock - PE

We trust that this will be a productive and happy year for all.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Monday 17th January 2011 will be our first PTA meeting of the year. This meeting is open to all parents. We are looking for members and a parent to work towards fulfilling the role as a chairperson. Should you be interested please contact either Tessa on 072 113 3927 or Bev on 083 630 2349. Look forward to seeing you there!


We will be holding our Inter-House Gala on Monday. Children who made the swimming trials will compete in the gala on Monday. Children in the pre-school and grade 1’s will not be participating.
The gala will start at 08:15 and end at approximately 13:30. Waiting class and aftercare will continue as normal.

Children who are swimming are to wear their swimming costumes under their P.E. clothes. House colour T-Shirts may be worn, together with takkies, a HAT/CAP and plenty of sun block. Remember to bring 2 swimming towels. A yellow NWCS or house colour swimming cap must be worn. All other learners that are not swimming must be dressed in PE clothes. A house T Shirt may be worn in place of the school PE Shirt.

Children are to bring lunch packed in a disposable bag and lots of water. No fizzy drinks or glass bottles are allowed. The tuck shop will be available.

In the event of rain, children may still wear their P.E. clothes or house colours and must bring their suitcases to school. School will still close at normal time. Waiting class and aftercare will continue as normal. The gala will then be held on Tuesday 18 January.

Parents and grandparents are most welcome to attend.

The sport houses colours are as follows:
Caleb - Green
David - Yellow
Samson - Red
These T-Shirts are available from the Uniform Shop.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Welcome to the New Year

School starts again..... welcome back to all our return pupils and a warm welcome to all the new ones and especially to all the new staff.  Let's make this an extra special year... study hard and have fun.