Thursday, January 20, 2011

Class Parents

The PTA has, over the last few years, aimed to encourage a real sense of community among the parents of our wonderful school. This has been achieved by, among others, the efforts of our wonderful class parents. The role of the class parent has now become invaluable to the functioning of the PTA.

The primary role of the class parent is as follows:
  • To be a part of the PTA and to act as liaison between the PTA and the other parents in their class. For example, arranging parents to help at fun days etc. To this end it would be helpful if class parents were able to attend as many PTA meetings as possible, although not essential.
  • To establish a relationship with their class teacher and be able to either themselves lend a hand, when needed, or ask other parents to help with for example making small improvements in the classroom.
  • To establish a relationship with the other parents in the class by sending out reminders of events, or a card on the birth of a child or the loss of a loved one.
  • To arrange a birthday party/gift for their class teacher

Many of the class parents of previous years have been quick to point out that the small effort it has required has been far out weighed by the rewards reaped both for themselves and for their children.

If you are interested in becoming a class parent or would like further information please feel free to contact Pat Bona (PTA class parent coordinator) either via email at, or on her cell 083 454 5996.

When replying please state the grade and class you would be representing.

The cut off date is 28 January and there will be a tea for all the class parents on 5 February.

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