Thursday, March 24, 2011


Our school has registered each pupil to use Numberwise to help improve mental maths skills.  The program is free and can be used at home.  If you need help with downloading and installing, please speak to Mrs Tschohl.

The maths computer programme is running well, with the children taking a keen interest in competing against both themselves and each other. The hope of a prize is also very inspiring. There has already been an improvement in the children’s mental maths.

The one thing we are missing is sponsorship. This is needed at two different levels.

The Championship Prize at school level: A child enters for this prize by doing 1 or more Numeracy Olympiad drills. The winner is the student with the fastest time during the year. We are looking for a sponsor who would be prepared to donate a cell phone, ipod, laptop, software or some such item for this prize to be awarded at the end of the year.

The Grand Prize at school level is to reward the consistent use of Numberwise. A child is entered if he or she does 100 or more calculations in a day. The daily winner is chosen randomly from the pool of entries. Sponsorship at this level could be air time, stationery, etc.

If you or your company is interested in sponsoring our students in their endeavour to improve their
mental maths, please would you contact Tracy Tschohl on 084 408 0169 or the school office.

1 comment:

Mrs Tschohl said...

Numberwise has taken off in an amazing way with some children using it regularly and seeing marvelous improvements in their mental maths. Congratulations to those of you who have already received Module certificates.