Monday, August 29, 2011

Grade 6 Art

Learning to sketch starts at a young age.... and once you progress and learn you get better and better at it.  Our grade 6s have been tackling this art form and have taken up the challenge wholeheartedly.

A remarkable job done by all.  Well done.

Grade R Opposites

Have you ever turned your world upside down and back to front?  Well our Grade 0s did just that in August when they all came to school with their clothes on backwards, inside out or put on in the reverse order.  Some even only had one shoe on!

This is such a novel concept for teaching all about opposites.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Being late for school is never a good habit to fall in to.  If you find this is a problem for you, why not check out this article at The Child Mag

Also please note, if you need to ring the bell at the gate, just push it ONCE and then wait for the gate to be opened..... there is no need to push the button over and over again.

Don't forget your gate card.... if you need an extra one, please order them from the office.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Helping others

On Friday 26th at 1st break we will be selling maize baked crisps at a cost of R2 per packet in aid of the
children of the Thandanani House Refuge in Zandspruit. Some of these children attend Kingsways School
which we as a school support.

Casual Day Stickers

Worn to be wild - Friday 2 September!

There’s a rockstar within us all!  Let yours out on Friday 2 September and show you support the rights of persons with disabilities by dressing like a rockstar or a musician from your favourite musical era.

Be a rockstar for persons with disabilities?
Make the world rock in your suit or your frock!
Wear your sticker and dress as you please!
Support persons with disabilities!

Diarise now! Whether you enjoy punk or Pavarotti, hard rock or R&B… or good ole sakkie-sakkie, we’ll be looking out for you AND your sticker on Casual Day.

Learners may purchase a Casual Day sticker from Mrs Bowen at a cost of R10. Only learners who have a Casual Day sticker will be allowed to wear civvies on Friday 2nd September. All proceeds will be given to Casa da Sol School for disabled children.

New Monitors

Our new monitors who were appointed last Friday 29 July are:
Cherise de la Rey
Rosemary Knight
Ashleigh Green
Sibu Mntungwa
Megan Cox
Nicole Kirsten
Michael Reddy
Rickie Jones
Deana Rae Smith

The Library Monitors are:
Khanye Chauke
Kelsey Dawson
Michael du Preez
Kirsten Elsley
Meg Hammond
Michael Hartman
Marina Johns
Alex Lovell
Mikayra Rajoo
Matthew Rundle
Hans Tschohl
Kiara Wessels
Joel Wood

The Library Monitors are on duty at 2nd break every day, allowing all learners maximum use of the library.

The IT Monitors are:
Rebecca Tschohl
Cameron Whittaker.

A reminder to all the Grade 7’s that we’ll be looking for more monitors, so “show us what you’re made of!”

Sport-A-Thon 2011 Winners

Well done to everyone for your effort with our Sport-A-Thon fundraiser.... here are the winners:

1st Gaby Van Staaden – Grade 2W

2nd Keenan Matthews – Grade 3R

3rd Graeme Blain – Grade 2O

4th Kirsten Beyer and Nathan Beyer – Grade 4M and Grade 4L

5th Thomas Beyer – Grade 3R

6th Electra Lothian – Grade 1H

7th Tristen Kern – Grade RR

Best decorated class: GRADE 3R

Most raised money: GRADE 2W

This event was a HUGE success. We raised, in TOTAL, just over R40 000.00, so thank you SO much for your generous efforts. The money raised will be going towards the School’s new Smart Boards as well as the Solar Heating in the swimming pool.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Prizes donated for Numberwise

A big thank you to the de Charmoy family for the donation of 20 Ster Kinekor movie tickets as prizes for our Numberwise program. The tickets will go to the top 20 Numberwise users in the school for this year. We are still looking for a donation for the main prize which will go to 1 of 365 children who have done over 100 calculations in a day, selected by Numberwise. We are looking for a technology prize in the form of an ipod, laptop, digital camera, Blackberry etc. The name of the donor or donating company will appear on the Numberwise wesbsite. If anyone can help us, please contact Tracy Tschohl on 084 408 0169 or through the school office.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Congratulations to all of you in Grades 4 to 7 who passed your Internet Licence last term. You are on your way to opening huge doors of learning in the exciting world of ICT. Those of you who did not get your licence last term may come and see me after school on Monday or Tuesday between 13.30 and 14.00 to take an oral test.

Your new licence entitles you to use the computers on a Monday and Tuesday afternoon between 13.30 and 14.00 and during first break on a Tuesday and Thursday. Come on in and do your project research, find out more about a subject or sport, watch YouTube videos to improve your tennis swing or skateboarding techniques, write a story using Word or There is sooooo much you can do! Remember, school rules apply and the Internet is not for playing games at school.

Two IT monitors have been selected and must be respected when they are in charge in the computer room. Breaking of the rules or lack of respect for the monitors or teacher in charge will result in the loss of your licence for the year.

Enjoy this privilege! I look forward to seeing what you can do. I would love to see things you have done at home on the computer too. You can print it and bring it in or you can email it to me on

Looking forward to doing great things with you.
Mrs Tschohl