Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Congratulations to all of you in Grades 4 to 7 who passed your Internet Licence last term. You are on your way to opening huge doors of learning in the exciting world of ICT. Those of you who did not get your licence last term may come and see me after school on Monday or Tuesday between 13.30 and 14.00 to take an oral test.

Your new licence entitles you to use the computers on a Monday and Tuesday afternoon between 13.30 and 14.00 and during first break on a Tuesday and Thursday. Come on in and do your project research, find out more about a subject or sport, watch YouTube videos to improve your tennis swing or skateboarding techniques, write a story using Word or Storybird.com. There is sooooo much you can do! Remember, school rules apply and the Internet is not for playing games at school.

Two IT monitors have been selected and must be respected when they are in charge in the computer room. Breaking of the rules or lack of respect for the monitors or teacher in charge will result in the loss of your licence for the year.

Enjoy this privilege! I look forward to seeing what you can do. I would love to see things you have done at home on the computer too. You can print it and bring it in or you can email it to me on tracy.tschohl@gmail.com.

Looking forward to doing great things with you.
Mrs Tschohl

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