Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Casual Day Stickers

Worn to be wild - Friday 2 September!

There’s a rockstar within us all!  Let yours out on Friday 2 September and show you support the rights of persons with disabilities by dressing like a rockstar or a musician from your favourite musical era.

Be a rockstar for persons with disabilities?
Make the world rock in your suit or your frock!
Wear your sticker and dress as you please!
Support persons with disabilities!

Diarise now! Whether you enjoy punk or Pavarotti, hard rock or R&B… or good ole sakkie-sakkie, we’ll be looking out for you AND your sticker on Casual Day.

Learners may purchase a Casual Day sticker from Mrs Bowen at a cost of R10. Only learners who have a Casual Day sticker will be allowed to wear civvies on Friday 2nd September. All proceeds will be given to Casa da Sol School for disabled children.

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