Friday, February 27, 2009


Please note the change in the second term, ie. School resumes on Wednesday 15 April and not Tuesday 14 April as previously stated. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Please remember...

Two things to remember for this week please:

Sponsorship forms need to be return on 27 February 2009 to the class register teacher. The actual swim-a-thon will take place next week furing school hours in the childrens' Phys Ed lesson.

Each class will be given 15 minutes to swim, walk or splash across the pool. Only one of the side lanes will be used to facilitate easier control and to assist where necessary. The junior section of the school will swim the width of the pool and the senior section the length. Pool noodles and water wings, etc, may be used.

The aim is for the class to have fun and cover as many laps as possible during the time allocated. The total number of laps for the entire class will be taken into account and entered on the sponsor forms. These will then be handed back to the child for collection of the monies. All money and forms must then be handed in no later than 13 March 2009.

The PTA does a stirling job for our school with fundraising and all. Another way to get involved is to be a "Class Parent"... there are many facets to this "job". Come along on Saturday 28th February at 8h30 to find out more.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


The plan is to put photos up on our blog to show the pupils and parents what is happening at school. We will aim to put them up as soon after the event as possible.... but here are a few that we've just received....

The School Inter-House Gala held in January:

The different houses plus the Grade 0s
Taking the plunge, the announcers and timekeepers, plus the mascot & trophies

The Grade 0s had their picnic a few weeks back, on a balmy Friday night... From these snapshots it looks like it was a HUGE success... enjoyed by all.

You may have noticed a bit of banging and noise coming from behind the office lately.... well it's all to do with the new kitchen for the staff.... yes it's being upgraded! Here is the start of the process:
So bear with us, and support the teachers trying to find that much deserved cuppa at breaktime, as the new kitchen gets installed. Please remember to use the front door to enter the office now... the work area is out of bounds!

Also, if you have ANY photos of ANY school event that you think will interest the pupils and parents, please email them to northwestchristianschool {@} gmail {dot} com.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Civvies Day

Civvies day arrived and all the children are sooooooooooooo happy about it... they have all joined in and worn either RED, PINK, WHITE or even other colours just to add to the festive day.

This is the whole school seated in assembly this morning.... see if you can spot your little angel!

Even the staff, teachers and some of the mom's joined in the fun and wore the right colours.

Enjoy your Valentine's Day and celebrate with your loved ones. Don't forget too the greatest love of all comes from our Lord Jesus.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Get your valentine goodies...

The Grade 6 pupils, parents and teachers have been working extremely hard to make this valentine's day extra special.... see here some of the lovely goodies that you can get:

All goodies will be on sale during both breaks tomorrow and even after school if there is still stock left. Each class will be taken to the tables (starting with the higher grades), so please don't forget to send your money to school on Friday.

The Grade 6's have even decorated the school with lots of hearts and cupids... makes it look very loving and festive.

More photos to follow from civies day on Friday

The flood

Last week we experienced quite a lot of rain and even a flood or two at school.... here are some photos from one of the Grade 0 parents, Jenny Anderson.

Please remember, if you have any school related photos that you want posted, please email them to northwestchristianschool {@} gmail {dot} com and we will gladly publish them. This blog is for all pupils and parents to keep in touch with what is happening at our school.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


The statements will be handed out tomorrow, Thursday 12 February via your child, please check their school bags. Should you have any queries please contact Debbie on Monday as she will be out of the office on Friday. We apologise for any delay.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


The photo’s can now be viewed and ordered on the web page of . Each class has it own password.
Grassroots and Grade 0”s = grassroots
Grade 1 = foundation
Grade 2 = grade2
Grade 3 = grade3
Grade 4 = grade4
Grade 5 = grade5
Grade 6 = grade6
Grade 7 = grade7
Siblings = siblings
No capitals and no spaces needed. EFT orders can be made on the site and only orders that have been paid for will be processed.

Valentine's Sale

The school looked very festive this morning on arrival... with hearts and cupids all over the place... makes the feeling of Valentine's all the more special. The list of what will be on sale is also up, so here is a recap:

Teddies R20
Candles R10
Pianos R20
Bath Salts R10
Pillows R35
Roses R5
Chocolates R15
Key Rings R10
and much more.

Please support the Grade 6's in this fundraising initiative... they've worked VERY hard.

Also just a gentle reminder, Civies Day is FRIDAY only... come dressed in red/white/pink and pay a R5 donation which will go towards showing our love towards someone in need.

Friday, February 6, 2009


Learners may come dressed in Civvies (red / pink / white) for a R5 donation which will go towards showing our love towards someone in need.

For the love of Roses, your Valentine and Valentines day –
Pick a gift and steal some hearts away
It’s a time for love , sent from the one above,
So pick a gift and steal some hearts away !

We’ve got mugs, hugs and chocolate hearts
They all play their parts
In making your Valentines day
Special in every way
So pick a gift and steal some hearts away !!

We have fluffy pillows
And chocolates bound with ribbons
So come prepared with lots of money
To buy loads of stuff for your lucky honey
Make this day special in every way
Just pick a gift and steal some hearts away !!!

To the newcomers of our school : the Valentines Day Sale has become a traditional annual event Hosted by the Grade 6 children. All proceeds of this event will go towards the Grade 7 farewell.
There will be goodies to eat & goodies to keep – from as little as R1,00 to R50,00 for something less bland. . .

Thank you in advance to all parents, Grandparents and friends for your care & support.

Solar Eclipse

On 26 January 2009 there was a partial solar eclipse. Mr Norel our principal arranged for each class to have a turn to see the eclipse. This was definately an exciting moment for the children and also showed us all God's amzing creation in all it's glory.

This pic show's Mrs McBirnie's Grade Ones all looking heavenward.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Have you seen this view?

These photos were taken at the camp out last year (31 October 2008) and give you a good "bird's eye view" of our school.

Now you can definately find your way around without getting lost.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


This is the new blog for our school... the plan is to post news here of events that will be happening as well as report back on these same events (with photos) afterwards. Any input that you as a parent or past pupil can provide will be greatly appreciated.

We can also use this blog to show prospective families what to expect.