Monday, February 23, 2009

Please remember...

Two things to remember for this week please:

Sponsorship forms need to be return on 27 February 2009 to the class register teacher. The actual swim-a-thon will take place next week furing school hours in the childrens' Phys Ed lesson.

Each class will be given 15 minutes to swim, walk or splash across the pool. Only one of the side lanes will be used to facilitate easier control and to assist where necessary. The junior section of the school will swim the width of the pool and the senior section the length. Pool noodles and water wings, etc, may be used.

The aim is for the class to have fun and cover as many laps as possible during the time allocated. The total number of laps for the entire class will be taken into account and entered on the sponsor forms. These will then be handed back to the child for collection of the monies. All money and forms must then be handed in no later than 13 March 2009.

The PTA does a stirling job for our school with fundraising and all. Another way to get involved is to be a "Class Parent"... there are many facets to this "job". Come along on Saturday 28th February at 8h30 to find out more.

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