Thursday, February 5, 2009

Have you seen this view?

These photos were taken at the camp out last year (31 October 2008) and give you a good "bird's eye view" of our school.

Now you can definately find your way around without getting lost.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Cathy, this is awesome! Well done on creating this fantastic tool. I have asked the office to mail all parents, so hopefully there'll be loads of comments & past/present stories soon. thanks for valentines info - the Gr6's have loads of goodies this year hence two day sale. They spent most of Sat making, packing & tieing 480 coconut balls..Yummy! there'll be limited mugs, teddies, chocolates, roses, cakes, milk tarts, heart choc chip biscuits, marshmallow hearts on a stick & so much more - looking for a sell-out on love!