Tuesday, February 17, 2009


The plan is to put photos up on our blog to show the pupils and parents what is happening at school. We will aim to put them up as soon after the event as possible.... but here are a few that we've just received....

The School Inter-House Gala held in January:

The different houses plus the Grade 0s
Taking the plunge, the announcers and timekeepers, plus the mascot & trophies

The Grade 0s had their picnic a few weeks back, on a balmy Friday night... From these snapshots it looks like it was a HUGE success... enjoyed by all.

You may have noticed a bit of banging and noise coming from behind the office lately.... well it's all to do with the new kitchen for the staff.... yes it's being upgraded! Here is the start of the process:
So bear with us, and support the teachers trying to find that much deserved cuppa at breaktime, as the new kitchen gets installed. Please remember to use the front door to enter the office now... the work area is out of bounds!

Also, if you have ANY photos of ANY school event that you think will interest the pupils and parents, please email them to northwestchristianschool {@} gmail {dot} com.

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